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Diet of regensburg 1541 -

21-12-2016 à 18:23:56
Diet of regensburg 1541
In 1520 he published his criticisms in two treatises - To the Christian Nobles of the German Nation and Concerning the Babylonian Captivity of the Church in which he attacked the Papal hierarchy and questioned the validity of the seven sacraments. In fact, the practice of granting the faithful a remission of punishment still due on forgiven sins in return for money was driven by financial motives. By the end of the Hohenstaufen period in 1254, it had become an independent imperial city. He refused to recant, and in the following year disputed the infallibility of the Pope and the Councils in a series of debates known as the Leipzig Disputations. In 1532, the Emperor found himself forced to repeal the resolutions of the Diet of Worms in the Religious Peace of Nuremberg, as numerous princes and cities had converted to the Reformed faith. In order to provide an appropriate setting for these events, the Hohenstaufens built an extended castle complex on the rocky elevation over the remains of older buildings, which is still largely what we see today. In 1191 the office of burgrave passed to the Counts of Zollern. Since the Middle Ages its silhouette has represented the power and importance of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and the outstanding role of the imperial city of Nuremberg. In On the Freedom of a Christian Being he elaborated his key doctrine of justification by faith: sinful man could not achieve salvation by his own effort and good works, but only by the grace of God, which could be granted to him only if he believed. With its close connection to royalty and its location at the junction of important highways, Nuremberg soon developed to become an important transit trade and export centre and a financial marketplace. From this time on the whole castle complex was in the hands of the city. At the same time, however, the castle became less important.

It finally emerged victorious from the bitter disputes with the Zollern burgraves, who had acquired extensive territories in Franconia and established seats of government first in the castle of Cadolzburg and later in Ansbach: in 1422 Emperor Sigismund transferred responsibility for the castle to the town, to the benefit of the king and the emperor. The castle and town were a favourite stopping place for rulers on their journeys through the realm, and court assemblies and Imperial Diets were held here. The Imperial Castle is the symbol of Nuremberg. At first, Church and Emperor attempted to suppress it: in 1521 an imperial ban was pronounced on Luther and his followers at the Diet of Worms. On October 10, 1517, the Augustinian monk Martin Luther (1483-1546) nailed his 95 theses to the door of the palace church in Wittenberg. The town hall completed in 1340 was used instead as a place of assembly and from Ludwig the Bavarian on, the emperors preferred the more comfortable accommodation of the patrician houses. Before his death in 1546, Luther had formulated his unremitting criticism of the Papacy in a final work, Against the Papacy in Rome, Instigated by the Devil. The Reformation spread quickly throughout Germany, boosted by the decision of the Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Speyer in 1526 to grant rulers freedom of belief. Among other things, the theses attacked the brisk business in indulgences preached by the Dominican preacher Johann Tetzel (1465-1519), which was being grossly abused. Imperial city and castle in the late Middle Ages. Nuremberg, which was first mentioned in a document as a royal property in 1050, played an important part in the imperial and domestic policy of the Salian and Hohenstaufen kings and emperors. The Letter of Freedom granted by Emperor Friedrich II in 1219 strengthened the civic autonomy of the city, removing it almost entirely from the purview of the burgraves.

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